Friday, February 9, 2018

Creation Moment 2/9/2018 - Evolution bit by spiders

"Evolutionary biologists were fascinated with a spider stuck in
Burmese amber, Nature News indicates. They date it and two other specimens as 100 million Darwin Years old. Grading time: did they learn anything when they looked at it with Darwin-colored glasses?

The tail on the creature didn’t provide any evolutionary clues, because “Silk-spinning spiders with and without tails co-existed for millennia, the authors agree.” The spider also had a modern-like web-spinning apparatus.
---Any lineage evident?
---Any progression from pre-spiders to spiders?

On the basis of the creature’s tail, they conclude that it belongs to the Uraraneida, a group of spider relatives that was thought to have gone extinct around 275 million years ago,” some said. So why was it found in amber said to be 175 million Darwin Years younger?" CEH
The spider taketh hold with her hands, and is in kings' palaces.
Proverbs 30:28