Saturday, February 24, 2018

Creation Moment 2/25/2018 - Hominin fossils fall into 2 categories

God created man in his own image,...
Genesis 1:27

"In his book Adam and the Genome, which we’ve been considering here, biologist Dennis Venema attempts to show that a traditional Adam and Eve did not exist. Instead, humans evolved, like any other species:
The evidence thus suggests that our lineage over the past 4 million years passed through an Ardipithecine-like species, on to an Australopithecine-like species, and then through various shades of Homo until our species is first preserved in the fossil record 200,000 years ago.
(Adam and the Genome, p. 59)

But in Science and Human Origins, Casey Luskin reviewed the fossil evidence including Ardipithecus and Australopithecus and showed:
Hominin fossils generally fall into one of two groups:
ape-like species and human-like species, with a large, unbridged gap between them.
Despite the hype promoted by many evolutionary paleoanthropologists, the fragmented hominin fossil record does not document the evolution of humans from ape-like precursors.
(Science and Human Origins, p. 45)."