Sunday, February 18, 2018

Creation Moment 2/18/2018 - Survey of the "Religious"

Do they provoke me to anger? saith the LORD:
 do they not provoke themselves to the confusion of their own faces?
Jeremiah 7:19
"When it comes to the debate over life's origins, a majority of religious Americans are "not strongly wedded" to either evolution or Creation, according to recently released research.

Sociologist Elaine Howard Ecklund, Herbert S. Autrey Chair in Social Sciences and director of The Religion and Public Life Program at Rice University in Houston, Texas, co-authored a book detailing the opinions of about 10,000 American religious believers on science.
"People are not actually strongly wedded to any particular narrative. As we see in the data, people will even say that more than one narrative could be true and many people aren't willing to commit to any of the narratives," said Ecklund.
"We think that what might be going on here is that for most religious individuals, it doesn't actually matter that much how old the Earth is or some other technical detail."
"For me as a researcher and those of us who work in pastoral ministry or have other kinds of public roles, I think that makes our job especially more challenging, but there is a lot of potential there when we see this data that people are ready to receive a different story and a truer story."
In December, Ecklund wrote a book with sociologist Christopher Scheitle of West Virginia University analyzing how religious Americans view science.
Titled Religion vs. Science: What Religious People Really Think, the researchers stated that the religion and science dichotomy is "more nuanced and complex than the media and pundits would lead us to believe." CP
What exactly does "but there is a lot of potential there when we see this data that people are ready to receive a different story and a truer story" mean?...I'm guessing she means "Christians" willing to compromise with evolution....