Thursday, February 15, 2018

Creation Moment 2/15/2018 - Earth’s Inner Core shouldn’t exist

"Earth’s Inner Core Shouldn’t Technically Exist (Live Science). Talk about upsets; the “conventional story” of Earth’s core is “impossible,” this report says. Supposedly, earth’s core consists of metals that crystallized in the mantle and sank to the center of the Earth. Rejection of that possibility presents two new problems:

In the paper [in Earth and Planetary Science Letters], the researchers argued that the standard model of how the Earth’s core formed is missing a crucial detail about how metals crystallize: a mandatory, massive drop in temperature that would be extremely difficult to achieve at core pressures.
Weirder still, the researchers said, once you account for this missing detail, the science seems to suggest that Earth’s inner core shouldn’t exist at all.
Why is this difficulty showing up now? “Everyone, ourselves included, seemed to be missing this big problem,” one of the authors said. Do they have a rescue device? Well, sort of. If a big chunk dropped into the mass, it might have nucleated crystal growth. But it would take an implausibly big object to do that. The authors are calling on other geophysicists to offer ways out of “Earth’s inner core nucleation paradox.” Coverage on in layman’s terms challenges “core beliefs” asking, “Have we misunderstood how Earth’s solid center formed?”" CEH
Thus the heavens and the earth were finished,...
Genesis 2:1