Sunday, February 11, 2018

Creation Moment 2/12/2018 - The Penguin & the Egg

.....he made the stars also.
Genesis 1:16
More cosmic DIVERSITY seen through the telescope.....what PURPOSE could these diverse cosmic galaxies serve? Only God really knows...

This composite image shows two interacting galaxies,
known collectively as Arp 142. NGC 2936,
 and NGC 2937, a smaller elliptical,
bear a striking resemblance to a penguin guarding its egg.
The blue streak at the top of the image
 is an unrelated background galaxy, UGC 5130.
"The Arp 142 pair is located in the southern constellation Hydra, approximately 326 million light-years away.
It is a member of the Arp catalog of peculiar galaxies observed by astronomer Halton C. Arp in the 1960s.
The ‘penguin’ part of the pair, NGC 2936.
The ‘egg’ of the pair, NGC 2937, by contrast, is nearly featureless.... its smooth distribution of stars obscures any obvious distortions of its shape.
Above the pair, an unrelated, lone, bluish galaxy, inconsistently cataloged as UGC 5130, appears to be an elongated irregular or an edge-on spiral. Located 230 million light-years away, this galaxy is much closer to us than the colliding pair, and therefore is not interacting with them."