Thursday, February 1, 2018

Creation Moment 2/1/2018 - I'm a Blasphemer

I think myself happy,... Acts 26:2

"There’s no escape. You can’t flee anywhere in the world if you doubt Darwin.
Look at this headline in Nature News: “Anti-Darwin comments in India outrage scientists.

It doesn’t say that scientists merely “disagree” with the comments. It doesn’t say that they feel such comments are misinformed. No; Nature reporter T. V. Padma says the comments ‘outrage.
 The word implies hate, intolerance, and mob psychology. The subtitle is even more disturbing: “Researchers and government officials have condemned the statements of a junior minister who questioned the theory of evolution.” The priests of Darwin want to send this minister to materialist hell for the unpardonable sin!
Thousands of scientists in India have signed an online petition protesting against comments by a higher-education minister who last week publicly questioned the scientific validity of Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution and called for changes in educational curricula.
Creation-Evolution Headlines (CEH) is already condemned, because we do that all the time (question the validity of Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, that is). It seems odd that they specifically get upset at blasphemy against Darwin.....Darwin skeptics point out obvious flaws in Darwin’s beliefs, such as
*his falsified theory of pangenesis,
*his evolving Lamarckian views,
*or his overt racism" CEH
Are YOU a BLASPHEMER of Darwin?...I am!!!!