Friday, February 2, 2018

ARCHAEOLOGY: Mansourasaurus Shahinae

There were giants in the earth in those days;
Genesis 6:4

"Paleontologists in Egypt have found fossil fragments from a new species of titanosaurian sauropod dinosaur that walked the Earth.

Dubbed Mansourasaurus shahinae, the ancient beast was a type of titanosaur, a group of sauropod
(long-necked plant-eating) dinosaurs.
Its fossilized skeleton, including skull elements, was discovered near the Dakhla Oasis in the Egyptian Western Desert.
Mansoura University paleontologist Hesham Sallam and colleagues determined the remains belong to a new genus and species of titanosaur.

The skeleton of Mansourasaurus shahinae is important in being the most complete dinosaur specimen so far discovered from the end of the Cretaceous in Africa, preserving parts of the skull, the lower jaw, neck and back vertebrae, ribs, most of the shoulder and forelimb, part of the hind foot, and pieces of dermal plates,” the researchers said.

This was the Holy Grail — a well-preserved dinosaur from the end of the Age of Dinosaurs in Africa — that we paleontologists had been searching for a long, long time.”

During the earlier years of the dinosaurs, throughout much of the Triassic and Jurassic periods, all the continents were joined together as the supercontinent Pangaea." (Antediluvian) "During the Cretaceous period," (Flood) "however, the continents began splitting apart and shifting towards the configuration we see today." SciNews