Saturday, February 10, 2018

20 Reasons Series: Day / Year Principle: 20

Reason #20:
"A study of the literary structure of Revelation 20 and Isaiah 24 reveals that ‘days’ in Isaiah 24:21-23 is parallel to ‘years’ in Revelation 20:2. This is clear evidence for the year/day principle.

......a quotation from T. R. Birks on the year/day principle:

1. That the church, after the ascension of Christ, was intended of God to be kept in the lively expectation of His speedy return in glory.
2. That, in the divine counsels, a long period of nearly two thousand years was to intervene between the first and the Second Advent, and to be marked by a dispensation of grace to the Gentiles.
3. That, in order to strengthen the faith and hope of the church under the long delay, a large part of the whole interval was prophetically announced, but in such a manner that its true length might not be understood, till its own close seemed to be drawing near.
4. That, in the symbolical prophecies of Daniel and St. John, other times were revealed along with this, and included under one common maxim of interpretation.
5. That the periods thus figuratively revealed are exclusively those in Daniel and St. John, which relate to the general history of the church between the time of the prophet and the second advent.
6. That, in these predictions, each day represents a natural year, as in the vision of Ezekiel; that a month denotes thirty, and a time three hundred and sixty years." (T. R. Birks, First Elements Sacred Prophecy. London: William Edward Painter, 1843. P. 311)." SecretsUnsealed
And he said unto me,
Unto two thousand and three hundred days;
then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.
Daniel 8:14