Friday, February 9, 2018

20 Reasons Series: Day / Year Principle: 19

Reason #19:
"Practically every futurist writer is willing to concede that the seven churches represent seven epochs in the history of the Christian church. Most see Ephesus as a symbol of the Apostolic Church. Let’s take a look at the fourth church in the series, Thyatira. It is obvious to any objective reader, that this church bears many similarities to the condition of Israel during the period of Elijah. Notice the following parallels:

*In both cases Jezebel instigates the apostasy.

*In both cases the cardinal sins are fornication and idolatry.
*In both cases there is no rain.
*In both cases Elijah flees.
*In both cases Elijah is sustained in his flight to the wilderness.
*In both cases the period of apostasy lasts three and a half years.

These parallels indicate that the church during the period of Thyatira is reliving the story of Elijah. Yet the historical period of the church of Thyatira does not last only three and a half literal years, not even by the calculations of conservative non-Adventist scholars!! If, in Revelation 2, Jezebel is not one literal person, Elijah is not one historical person, rain is not literal rain, fornication is not literal fornication, etc., then the three and a half years are not literal years either!! Time and space will not allow us to show that the harlot of Revelation 17 represents the second, future, stage of this Jezebel period of the church!" SecretsUnsealed
 And he said unto me,
Unto two thousand and three hundred days;
then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.
Daniel 8:14