Thursday, February 8, 2018

20 Reasons Series: Day / Year Principle: 17

Reason #17:
"The acid test of the year/day principle is whether the events forecasted were fulfilled on schedule. In other words, the pragmatic test of historical fulfillment must be applied to the historicist interpretation of these prophecies. Does the historicist method pass the test? Notice the following incontrovertible facts:

*The Papacy did indeed rule for 1260 years and the true church had to flee during that period. The dates can be corroborated by history (538-1798 A. D.).

* The Church during the period of Smyrna did experience ten years of severe persecution under Diocletian (303-313 A. D.). In fact, it was this period of persecution which led to Constantine’s famous Edict of Milan in 313 A. D.

*A decree to build and restore Jerusalem was given in the year 457 B. C. Jesus was anointed in the year 27 A. D. Jesus did die in the spring of the year AD 31 Stephen was stoned in the fall of the year 34 A. D.

* The Millerites did indeed preach from Daniel 8:14 that the Sanctuary was about to be cleansed, and this preaching took place right before the 2300 years came to an end. Why didn’t they preach from some other text? Simply because God wanted to bring to the world’s attention that the 2300 years were about to end and a significant event was about to take place in heaven! The great Second Advent Awakening in the 1830's provides powerful evidence that the year/day principle must be applied to Daniel 8:14.

* Churches were closed and Bibles were forbidden in France during the French Revolution for about three and one half years (March of 1793 A. D. to November of 1797 A. D.).

Thus, historical fulfillment vindicates the historicist method of interpreting the prophetic time periods." SecretsUnsealed
 And he said unto me,
Unto two thousand and three hundred days;
then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.
Daniel 8:14