Tuesday, February 6, 2018

20 Reasons Series: Day / Year Principle: 15

Reason #15:
"Preterists and futurists who apply these prophetic time periods literally encounter serious problems in another sense as well.
--In the Old Testament God is presented as the One who reveals the course of human history and provides His divine evaluation of it. There we find a revelation of the continuous and unbroken flow of human history from creation until the first coming of the Messiah.

--The Gospels then present the story of Jesus’ ministry on earth. The book of Acts and the Epistles continue the flow by describing the history of the early church.

After this is where the preterists encounter serious problems. You see, in the preterist view, there is no revelation from God concerning the entire history of the Christian church. There are almost two thousand years of silence. According to them, God’s description and evaluation of history ended with the Roman Emperors in the Early Church.

The futurists are not in better shape. According to this school, Revelation 4-18 refers to a short period of human history at the very end of time. Likewise, God’s description and evaluation of human history as found in Daniel (according to this school) ends with the Roman Empire and does not pick up again until the last seven years of human history. Thus, there is a 2000 year gap in God’s description and evaluation of human history (with the brief exception of the seven churches). God has been silent about the events of the church for 2000 years!!!

Only the historicist method is able to reveal a God who is concerned with His church during the entire period of church history, including the period of dominion of the little horn. Only historicism is able to show the providential guidance of God in human history and His loving care for His church during the last 2000 years!!" SecretsUnsealed
And he said unto me,
Unto two thousand and three hundred days;
then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.
Daniel 8:14