Friday, January 26, 2018

The "Really" File - ("Queer" Saints?)

But the men of Sodom
were wicked and sinners
before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13

"On January 20, 2018, Out at St. Paul, the LGBT ministry located at the Parish of St. Paul the
Apostle in the Archdiocese of New York posted to their official Facebook page a link to an article about St. Sebastian which appeared on the web-site QSpirit. According to Kittredge Cherry, the principal author-contributor and founder of QSpirit:
Saint Sebastian has been called history’s first gay icon and the patron saint of homosexuality.
Kittredge is a longtime gay rights activist who advocates for ecumenical LGBT-inclusion within Christianity. A major focus of her work has been the exploration of so-called “Queer Saints.”

This is not the first time Out at St. Paul promoted Christian dissident theories and artworks; on December 21, 2016, they posted a link to an article by lesbian feminist artist and author Angela Yarber titled “Painting Mary(s), Queering Mary(s),” in which she argues the following:
In every nativity scene, we see images of a so-called “holy family” that likely doesn’t 
From the "Really" File
look very much like the family’s most queer folk create: a straight, cisgender couple, and a baby. This family is lauded by the Church as the quintessential iteration of what family should look like. When our families don’t look anything like this, it’s easy to see how celebrating the birth of Jesus is fraught with emotional and spiritual hardship

 Out at St. Paul also posted a homoerotic icon by Robert Lentz of Sts. Perpetua and Felicity and they once asked: “Who’s your favorite queer saint?”  Lifesite