Wednesday, January 10, 2018

The "Really" File - (10 yr. old Smart Mouth)

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6

Haus of Amazing,” purportedly thefirst ever drag house established exclusively for kids who are doing amazing drag,” will be a “positive, encouraging and safe on-line community for drag kids to connect with each other,” according to an on-line flyer for the club.
Desmond Napoles has been showing interest in dressing in drag since he was a toddler, a Daily Mail
report said, and has gained fame on the New York drag circuit as his drag alter ego, Desmond is Amazing.
'Ever since day one... ever since I was able to walk, I used to take my mom's towels and take her heels and clomp around the house,” Napoles said, “put the towel on my head, wrap a towel around my body and walk the runway down my house.”
At age six he began asking his parents for princess costumes and dresses, the report said. His parents consulted a therapist and were told it was best to allow Desmond develop naturally and to explore his tastes on clothing, toys and activities.
His June 2015 appearance in a rainbow tutu and sparkled gold beret at New York’s Gay Pride event went viral, and Napoles is the youngest member of New York’s longtime “Vogue” dance house Iconic House of UltraOmni. He hopes to have his own fashion and cosmetics line some day.
Napoles calls himself a “drag kid” as opposed to a “drag queen,” with the explanation that the term “drag queen” should only refer to adults. 
From the "Really" File
Napoles came out as gay last year, the Daily Mail report said. His parents are emphatic that their son is not yet sexually active, the report said, and although Napoles is an advocate for LGBTQ issues, he has not ”reached the age where sexual relations are appropriate or discussed explicitly.”
He told Out magazine last fall his advice for other kids was, “If your parents say, “Oh, gay is bad” orit’s a sin,” pay them no mind and say, “If you don’t like me, I’m gonna leave.

Napoles advised the “haters” via his Instagram account this past week that he was secure in who he was and they will not change or shame him.
You mean nothing to me,” he said. “You are like a fly I shoo away.Lifesite