Saturday, January 13, 2018

SDA News - Lee Embarrasses Adventism

....go, humble thyself, and make sure thy friend.
Proverbs 6:3
"This woman has been paraded around Adventist and NAD circles for years.  She was trotted out at the San Antonio General Conference and shown to the delegates as a high-ranking American politician and an Adventist.  She was invited to speak at Oakwood University in February, 2016. The communications directors featured her at one of their annual conventions several years ago, and she has been asked to speak at numerous upper level NAD gatherings. 

But she gives no evidence of having had a conversion experience, or of living a life of charity and humility.  Is there any evidence that her Adventist religion has refined and ennobled her character, or even filed down the sharpest edges of her temper?
She seems to be a first-rate narcissist.

Jean-Marie Simon was about to board a flight from Houston to Washington D.C., the final leg of her journey home from Guatamala, when the gate attendant told her that her ticket was not in the system.  She was told the first-class seat she had purchased, 1A, had been taken by another passenger. ...As she boarded the plane, Simon did not recognize the middle aged black woman sitting in seat 1A.  Only when she got to her seat in economy and told her story (with exhibits) to the man in the seat beside her did she learn the woman’s identity: Texas Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.

The flight was delayed for an hour due to mechanical issues, and during that delay Simon went forward to the first class compartment and snapped a picture of Jackson Lee, tweeting it out with the caption:  “Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) in seat 1A, the one I paid for dearly, and the one United gave to her without my consent or knowledge.  Fellow congressman on same flight said she does it repeatedly."

Daily Mail reporter David Martosko tweeted his experience with Jackson Lee, saying, “I saw Sheila Jackson-Lee on a domestic flight two years ago. While I was walking back to coach, she was throwing a hissy fit in First Class over why the steward had to gate-check her carry-on. (It was too big to fit in the overhead.) She threw a tantrum worthy of a 3-year-old.”

Back in the late 1990s, the Houston Press reported that Jackson Lee would regularly demand first class upgrades and throw temper tantrums when she did not get special treatment.  On one occasion, when Jackson Lee boarded a flight at Reagan National Airport and found that the menu did not include a seafood special she had wanted, she flew into a rage: "Don't you know who I am? I'm Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. Where is my seafood meal? I know it was ordered!"  According to Rebecca Cox, a Continental Airlines vice president for governmental affairs, Jackson Lee "screamed at the top of her lungs at least a minute.  She embarrassed the flight attendants and the passengers in first class. And she embarrassed herself."

Whenever she is called out for her rude behavior, Jackson Lee plays the race card.  According to a 2011 Daily Caller report, she once demanded that her driver park in an area in front of the Treasury Building that the Secret Service had placed off limits.  When the Secret Service stopped Jackson Lee’s vehicle, she claimed it was because the “white” officers (who were actually Hispanic) were racist.

Unsurprisingly, Jackson Lee now claims that Jean-Marie Simon is a racist." Fulcrum7