Friday, January 12, 2018

SDA Issues - Puerto Rican Prophetess?

"June 2017 saw the rise of a new Adventist “prophetess.” Daisy Escalante, the founder of an
independent health ministry in Puerto Rico claims to have been receiving dreams or visions from God for the Adventist Church. These messages have apparently been received since at least April 2017 but have only recently started circulating on the internet.
All of Escalante’srevelations” are found in about three hours’ worth of YouTube audios in Spanish; most of it appears to have been prepared in advance. The audio messages have caused considerable consternation among Spanish-speaking churches.
 similarly to .... Anna Rice Phillips (1865–1926), Jeanine Sautron in the 1980's and more recently Ernie Knoll, all of Escalante’s messages are given in private. At one point Escalante says that God purposely chooses to reveal things at night.
And there are the usual attempts at setting dates for the Second Coming. In an example of “soft dating,Escalante states that Jesus is “one minute” away from putting on his royal robes to return as “King of kings and Lord of lords.” She then offers new light on the sequence of end-time events: the 3.5 years (1260 days) of Daniel and Revelation commenced on Sept 23, 2015 during Pope Francis’ visit to the U.S. and will come to an end in 2019 with the establishment of a national Sunday law. That same date in 2015 marks the beginning of the judgment on the living."
believe not every spirit,
but try the spirits whether they are of God:
because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
1 John 4:1
Uhm......the 1260 days (years) are already fulfilled. They are NOT 3.5 literal years from 2015-2019.

Every Adventist should know this and stay away from Escalante, despite how sincere she may come across as. In fact, the poor lady may be having these dreams...but they are not from God.