Friday, January 26, 2018

Satan's Workbook dictated verbatim

 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, .......
 against the rulers of the darkness of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6:12
Hmmm...Lucifer dictated a WORKBOOK for his Lies....

"A Course in Miracles---The book has been called "The New Age Bible"....

......triggering a series of inner experiences that were understood by her as visions, dreams, and heightened imagery, along with an "inner voice" which she identified as Jesus.

She said that on October 21, 1965, she believed that the "inner voice" told her: "This is a Course in Miracles, please take notes." Schucman said that the writing made her very uncomfortable, though it never seriously occurred to her to stop.

A Course in Miracles (also referred to as ACIM or the Course) is a 1976 book containing a self-study curriculum which claims to assist its readers in achieving spiritual transformation. The underlying premise of the work is the teaching that the greatest "miracle" that one may achieve in one's life is the act of simply gaining a full "awareness of love's presence" in one's own life.
The book was written, or "scribed," by Helen Schucman, who claimed that it had been dictated to her word for word via "inner dictation" which came from Jesus.

 The Course contains a curriculum to bring about what it calls a "spiritual transformation," consisting of three sections entitled the "Text", "Workbook for Students," and "Manual for Teachers".
Throughout the 1980s annual sales of the book steadily increased each year; however the largest growth in sales occurred in 1992 after Marianne Williamson discussed the book on The Oprah Winfrey Show, with more than two million volumes sold." Wikipedia

"First published in 1975, A Course in Miracles has become a cult classic that is often referred to as the New Age “Bible.”
Allegedly channeled by “Jesus” to clarify “misunderstood” Bible teachings with his “new” revelation,

The Course’s false Christ emphatically teaches God’s “happy dream
that there is no sin,

no evil,
no Devil,
and no need to get saved by an external Savior named Jesus Christ.
...the world by recognizing that we are all “one” because we are all “Christ
 and we are all “God.”
This New Age “Jesus” teaches that “a slain Christ has no meaning
and warns us not to “make the pathetic error of clinging to the old rugged cross.”
...declares that “The journey to the cross should be the last useless journey.”
Again, all of these false teachings are described as part of “God’s dream” to save the planet as he “wakens” everyone from their “fearful dreams” with his “happy dream
that we are all “one” because we are all “God.” LighthouseTrails