Monday, January 1, 2018

Revelation 11:19 & Sabbath

"It was while John was in the Spirit on the "Lord's day," that he
saw the ark of God's testament in heaven.
Thus the commandments of God are exalted before the apostle's vision.
These Scriptures refute the teaching that the deca­logue was abolished at the cross sixty years before. They do more than this, they show which day is the Lord's day—it is the seventh day, commanded in the law deposited in the ark. After the vision of the ark of the testa­ment, John was shown that God's remnant people would keep the commandments of God.

Sabbathkeeping taken from this great text, Revelation 11:19, in which John says he saw the ark of God's testament in heaven. But it appears to be, from the following standpoints, a strong argu­ment for Sabbath observance.
1. It proves that the cross did not abolish the ten commandments.
2. It proves that the "Lord's Day" is the day defined in the fourth commandment as the "Sabbath of the Lord."
3. It proves that the commandments ob­served by the remnant are the ten command­ments.
4. It proves that sin, which is the transgres­sion of the law, is the transgression of the law John saw in heaven. (See I John 3:4.)
5. It supplements and enhances the Sabbath arguments of Daniel 7:25.

The many references to commandment keep­ing in John's writings indicate that there were in his day controversies regarding the neces­sity for obedience to God's law.

Then, as now, Paul's writings were wrested (2 Peter 3:16) to justify violation of God's law. It is evident that John was directed by the Spirit to, bear a firm testimony on commandment keeping."
Ministry1938/W. M. R. Scragg
Then God’s temple in heaven was opened,
and within his temple was seen the ark of his covenant. And there came flashes of lightning,
rumblings, peals of thunder, an earthquake and a severe hailstorm.
Revelation 11:19