Saturday, January 27, 2018

Papal Notes - Wrong Gospel

Pope Francis brought the WRONG GOSPEL to the Amazon.....he gave them the GREEN GOSPEL in place of the Biblical Gospel....
I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him
that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
Galatians 1:6

"Pope Francis landed in the Amazon on Friday, bringing his environmental crusade to a rough-and-tumble corner of Perus jungle.
Arriving just after 10 a.m. in the jungle heat, the pope was greeted with chants of “Francis, Francis, you are now Amazonian.”

He arrived at his first official event aboard his popemobile and circumvented a phalanx of men wearing loincloths. Addressing a crowd of indigenous people from Peru and neighboring countries, he stressed the environmental ills facing the Amazon.. He also cited “certain policies aimed at the ‘conservation’ of nature” that he said
did not take into account people who inhabit the rain forest.
We have to break with the historical paradigm that views the Amazon as an inexhaustible source of supplies for other countries, without concern for its inhabitants,” he said during a 20-minute speech. “Defense of the Earth has no other purpose than the
defense of life.”
The pope’s message and the encyclical, basically guidance to clergy and the faithful on key environmental issues, were applauded by the crowd."
....and all the world wondered after the beast.
(Even in the Amazon)
Revelation 13:3
P.S.--before someone freaks out--we're not saying Francis is specifically the "beast", rather he is the head of the Institution that IS.