Saturday, January 27, 2018

IN the NEWS - Medical Religious FREEDOM back in Vogue

.....and let all the people say, Amen.
Psalm 106:48

"For healthcare providers facing restrictions on their rights of conscience, reinforcements are on the way.On January 18th, the Trump Administration announced the creation of the Conscience and
Religious Freedom Division of Health and Human Services.
According to Roger Severino, the head of the Civil Rights Office at HHS, the division's purpose is to protect doctors, nurses, and other health care providers "from being coerced into participating in activities that violate their consciences, such as abortion, sterilization, or assisted suicide."

As Severino put it, "America's doctors and nurses are dedicated to saving lives and should not be bullied out of the practice of medicine simply because they object to performing abortions against their conscience . . ."

Now predictably, critics jumped on the announcement. Lambda Legal said that the Division and the proposed rule "[weaponizes] HHS's Office of Civil Rights against [the LGBT community]."

If you're wondering what on earth they're talking about, you're not alone. Somehow, a proposal about abortion and physician-assisted suicide is actually about the LGBT community?
The proposed rule mentions "abortion" 155 times and "suicide" 29 times. We know because we counted. Now how many time does it use "LGBT," or "transgender," or any related term? Zero."