Wednesday, January 24, 2018

IN the NEWS - Another "Drag" child...yet again

And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth,
 and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Genesis 6:5

"LGBTQIA+ community is both encouraging pre-pubescent boys to become drag queens and heroicizing those who actually do. Case in point: nine-year-old drag queen Nemis Quinn Mélançon-Golden, better known in licentious circles as “Lactatia.”

The Montreal boy performs the usual lewd sexual gestures and gyrations, wearing false eyelashes, thick makeup, glittering women’s clothing, and wigs. Greene noted that the boy is heralded as the “cover girl” for a line of sexy fashions sold online by Brandon Hilton.
I think this new generation of drag kids is brilliant and inspiring!@Desmond_Amazing and Lactatia are the future! @TheHouseofMann is just making sure they look SICKENING!

people will talk no matter what, might as well give them something FIERCE to look at!
— Brandon Hilton (@BRANDONHILTON) January 6, 2018

Critics say Nemis is being abused. “The boy is emulating an adult woman being sexually provocative,” Greene summarized. “The LGBT left’s intense focus on labeling then exploiting LGBT children like ‘Lactatia’ holds incredible risk and threatens their futures.”
Little ones are not only being robbed of their childhood and innocence but are being irreparably harmed, exploited, and perverted. Those most damaged include such pre-adolescent drag queens as "Lactatia," kindergarteners encouraged to consider their “true selves” the opposite sex, children given puberty blockers and other transgender “chemical castration,” and groups of kids brainwashed in
public library story timesnormalizing grown men dressing as flamboyant, promiscuous women.
Early sexual activity and expression can be devastating to young people, especially LGBT youth,” Greene revealed. “In effect,” exploiters “steal the child’s innocence and impose an adult identity onto him, all to validate their own insecurities.”
.... according to Greene, is that homosexuals delight in sexual deviancy of any kind. Like alcoholics who are all-too-eager for you to share a drink with them, the LGBTQIA+ community finds kindred spirits wherever sexual abnormalcy is upheld as a positive — regardless of the harm inflicted on the innocent. Just search on the Internet for images of Gay Pride parades."