Friday, January 5, 2018

Defending Daniel

"Daniel chapter seven begins with the prophet lying in bed and seeing “a dream and visions of his head” (v.1). Scholars
universally agree that this vision parallels the four kingdoms from Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in chapter two
Conservative scholars unanimously agree that the kingdoms are Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome.
 While there are alternate interpretations, postulating Babylon, Median, Persia, Greece,.....only those bent by anti-supernatural bias relegate the vision to the Maccabean era by late dating the text and ascribing pseudepigraphical status.
They must violate the historical record by splitting Medo-Persia into two separate empires. They then proceed to violate holy inspiration by assigning the fourth beast to the Greek Empire. They make the book a clever forgery. Because Jesus himself authenticated Daniel as the author (Mat. 24:15) this is a non starter for true Christians." LA