Saturday, January 6, 2018

Creation Moment 1/7/2018 - Missing Shadows

They deliberately forget that God made the heavens by the word of his command,
and he brought the earth out from the water and surrounded it with water.
2 Peter 3:5 NLT

"English physicist and well-known media ‘star’ Prof. Brian Cox has been on tour in Australia, discussing two fundamental questions: How did the universe begin? and How will it end? He presented his answer to the first question on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s TV Channel 2 program Life of a Universe: Part 1 Creation, on 7 March 2017. Here is our response to this first program.

Cox begins by telling viewers that “every culture you study across the world has a creation story” and he then proceeds to discuss the 21st century atheistic story called the big bang. He answers the question “What is the big bang?” as follows.
“In 1927, the astronomer Edwin Hubble noticed that the light from distant galaxies is stretched. This means that space is expanding, our universe is expanding. So, you run time backwards in your mind’s eye, and that means that in the past, the distances between the galaxies was smaller; you can imagine a time when the distances were so small that everything is effectively on top of each other. That implies that our universe had a beginning, there was a day without a yesterday, and that is what we call the big bang.”

Cox may be giving us this euphemistic explanation of the big bang because he realizes that scientifically it is the most non-scientific argument ever propounded. Namely that all the matter and energy contained in the billions of stars in each of the hundreds of billions of galaxies was once
The cosmic microwave background fails as evidence for the big bang
because it casts no shadows on the foregrounds of galaxies.

contained in a singularity of zero dimensions and infinite mass, which expanded at many times the speed of light, by means of a quantum fluctuation, before there was any time or any place for anything to quantum fluctuate in, and all without producing hundreds of billions of galaxies of necessary antimatter.

 Cox offers only one piece of evidence for the big bang—the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB), which he described as “a faint glow coming literally from everywhere in the sky, but not being emitted from any particular star, galaxy or object … photons that have travelled 13.8 billion years”.

In fact, the CMB fails as an argument for the big bang because, if the big bang were true, the light from the fireball should cast shadows in the foreground of all galaxy clusters, but only if it is really true that the radiation is coming from so far away. But the needed shadows are missing." CMI