Thursday, January 11, 2018

Clues to the Magi place of origin??

---In the article below is presented a theory as to where the Magi came should be noted no one really knows so this is only a possibility....not necessarily fact...

"...In fact, gold, frankincense and myrrh indicate the origin of the Magi. These three commodities were the cash crops of the
Nabatean civilisation.
At the time of the birth of Christ, the Nabateans dominated the Arabian peninsula. With their capital at Petra, they controlled the trade routes from Yemen in the east to Gaza and from Egypt, north to Syria and beyond.
Arabia was famed in ancient times for its gold mines. It was also the one place where the shrubs grew from which they collected the sap to make incense and myrrh.
The prophecies of Isaiah 60 stated that “A multitude of camels shall cover you, the young camels of Midian and Ephah; all those from Sheba shall come. They shall bring gold and frankincense, and shall proclaim the praise of the Lord.” Midian, Ephah and Sheba are all located in the Arabian peninsula so the Arabian origin of the Magi was foreseen by the prophet.
The Nabateans were a trading nation, shifting goods from around the Roman Empire eastward to Yemen then on ships to India and China and beyond. Their reach extended into North Africa and East Africa, North to Persia and Asia Minor and beyond. Where there is trade in commodities there is also trade in religion, language and culture. The Nabateans at the time of Christ were fabulously wealthy and cosmopolitan. Their melting-pot society and international trade and diplomatic links make them the perfect symbol of the nations of the world coming to pay homage to the child of Bethlehem."