Sunday, January 28, 2018

20 Reasons Series: Day / Year Principle: #7

Reason #7:
"A comparison of Daniel 8:11-13, 23-25 with Daniel 11:31-45 also reveals why Antiochus cannot be represented by the little horn. As we compare these two passages it becomes crystal clear that the King of the North of Daniel 11 represents the same power as the little horn of both Daniel 7 and 8.

Particularly in Daniel 11 (but also in Daniel 7 and 8) it is clear that the king of the north is the last power to rule the earth before Christ sets up His everlasting kingdom. This is also true of the little horn of Daniel 8. He is broken "without hand", an expression used in Daniel 2:34; 8:25; 11:45. The little horn/king of the north is destroyed by Christ at his coming. Obviously, this makes it impossible for Antiochus Epiphanes to be the little horn.

 Why would Daniel 11 blend the two descriptions if they represented two different powers, one past and the other future?" SecretsUnsealed 

Unto two thousand and three hundred days;
then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.
Daniel 8:14