Thursday, December 7, 2017

SDA Issues - Oakwood Needs to "ReFocus"- Literally (Genesis 38,39)

Oakwood University will be holding an event called "ReFocus"...yet they will be hearing from invited speakers from "Babylon".....1) Who came up with the idea to invite them? 2) What do they expect to Hear & Learn? 3) Why are not these SDA "leaders" not going to "Babylon" instead with truth? 4) How do these kind of glaring BLUNDERS keep happening & no one held accountable?

Maybe the Oakwood "Leadership" should ReFocus on the Lesson of Genesis 38 & 39 being back to back....In Genesis 38 Judah went in unto his daughter-in-law and committed adultery. The following chapter Joseph resisted a chance to engage in adultery and ran....
WHY is Oakwood going in unto their spiritual relatives (of Babylon) to commit spiritual adultery with them rather than run like Joseph?

...Tamar his daughter in law...When Judah saw her, he thought her to be an harlot; because she had covered her face.
Genesis 38:11,15
.....and he left his garment in her hand, and fled, and got him out.
Genesis 39:12