Friday, December 8, 2017

SDA Issues - Jackson on Display at Oakwood {Ex. 2:17 Application}

And the shepherds came and drove them away:
but Moses stood up and helped them, and watered their flock.
Exodus 2:17
The shepherds (like certain leaders of NAD, are driving people away from the well of God's Truth....we need those like Moses (a type for Christ) to stand up to these shepherd bullies within the Church...
"On December 2, 2017, Oakwood University hosted an NAD Q&A Forum with Dan Jackson and Alex Bryant.
The NAD session began with a jazz-style band, which almost convinced me that I was watching the tonight show with Jay Leno.  I guess no one in the NAD office has read what EGW says about that style of music?  But hey, we’re talking about the NAD.  

The first question which came out was a big one — what does the Church say about jewelry?  The question was shifted to Dan Jackson, President of the North American Division of SDA.  His response was this (from my memory) “I don’t believe we have a standard in the church about wearing jewelry.”  I guess he’s never read fundamental belief 22 Christian behavior, but hey, it’s Dan Jackson.
His next response was that this topic needs to be handled at the local level and not at his level.  I
guess he doesn’t want to fulfill the responsibility of telling those beneath him to follow our beliefs.  He went on to say that those who question others about their jewelry are judgmental people and are unloving.  “People need to learn about love” he said.  I guess communicating to others what the Bible says is very unloving and judgmental.

The question of women’s ordination came up again.  Without any hesitation, Dan Jackson and Alex Bryant publicly stated for the record it is their opinion that women’s ordination is truth and will get passed soon.  So, what is being said here by Dan Jackson is that his opinion is that women should be ordained ministers. By any objective analysis, this is a statement that he disagrees with the world church; he and those under him are following through with ordination which demonstrates that he does not care to follow or teach what Seventh day Adventist believe.  If this is so, then does this not legally disqualify him and others from their position?

Then there is the overriding ethical question, how can they consciously lead in the SDA Church while directly opposing what the church believes?  It boggles my mind how these men are still in office
Dan Jackson later stated the NAD has a book they want to release on the role of women in the church but they will have problems releasing it.  He could be referring to the problem of using tithe money--that is suppose to go to gospel ministry and sharing of truth--to share their propaganda (which they and others have done already).  And when they do this they are using God’s money to fight against God’s world church. 

It was interesting to note a question about mingling with other denominations and our role in this.  I found it very telling that Dan Jackson was all for this, and that he admitted to working  with the Lutheran church.  Need I remind you what organization the Lutherans just submitted to?"
Ray Chavez/Fulcrum7