Friday, December 15, 2017

Papal Notes - Pope Pounding Sunday Again...

"Here is the Vatican summary of the Pope’s address at the General Audience this morning:

Dear Brothers and Sisters: Our continuing catechesis on the Eucharist today centers on the importance of Sunday Mass. As Christians, we celebrate the Eucharist in order to encounter the Lord, to hear his word, eat at his table and, by his grace to fulfil our mission in the world as members of his Mystical Body the Church. As the day of the Resurrection and the Pentecostal outpouring of the Holy Spirit, Sunday is the Christian holy day par excellence. How could we pass this day without encountering the Lord? Sadly, in many secularized societies, we have lost the sense of Sunday.
The Second Vatican Council asked us to celebrate the Lord’s Day as a day of joy and rest from servile work, precisely as a sign of our dignity as children of God. Each Sunday is meant to be a foretaste of the eternal bliss and repose to which we are called and which we share, even now, in
Holy Communion. In the end, we go to Mass not to give something to God, but to receive from him the grace and strength to remain faithful to his word, to follow his commandments and, through his living presence within us, to be witnesses of his goodness and love before the world."
..... and think to change times and laws:
Daniel 7:25