Saturday, December 2, 2017

Papal Notes - "formers of consciences"?

"Pope Francis said in a video released November 30, 2017....

The video message was sent to participants in the International Symposium “Laudato si’. Care for the common home, a necessary conversion to human ecology”, organized by the Catholic University of Costa Rica with the Joseph Ratzinger-Benedict XVI Vatican Foundation. The conference runs November 29-December 1, 2017, in San José, Costa Rica.

With the Encyclical Laudato si’, I drew the attention of humanity and the Church to the most urgent questions relating to the care of our common home and the present and future of the peoples who inhabit it.
To face these, we need to have a broader vision of the causes, the nature of the crisis and its various aspects. No, a negationist attitude in the face of this world problem is not legitimate. It is essential for there to be collaboration among
scientists, sociologists, economists and politicians, as well as educators and formers of consciences. Without a true conversion of our attitudes and our everyday behavior, technical solutions will not save our home....There is a need for collaboration by everyone, in order to receive the message of Laudato si’ and translate it into real life, for the good and the future of the human family.” Zenit
.....and all the world wondered after the beast.
Revelation 13:3