Tuesday, December 19, 2017

On the Streets of Babylon: "Muse"ings about Mary

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,...  Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4
There seems to be some "Muse"ings about Mary on the Streets of Babylon....

"More and more Protestants are testifying they are being drawn to the Catholic Church, especially through the Eucharist. Some say they have encountered the presence of Christ in a new and exciting way. One such person is Presbyterian pastor Steven Muse. Muse is one of the contributing authors of Mary the Mother of All: Protestant Perspectives and Experiences of Medjugorje.
According to Muse, his visit to Medjugorje was life changing, especially after he encountered the Eucharistic Christ. He states:
The fact remains that never before or since in my life have I had such an encounter with
Christ in the Eucharist. I believe this is because I never received the bread and the wine as the Body and Blood of Christ, so what I loved in my heart and believed with my mind were never experienced as real in the here and now of my bodily presence as I encountered him again and again for the entire week. Sometimes this happened twice a day as I received Communion both in the morning at English Mass, and again in the evening at the Croatian Mass, where I did not even understand what they were saying or singing but only prayed the rosary in my own language with the others as if I had been saying “Hail Marys” all my life. What was true was that Father, Son and Holy Spirit were real. And Mary was real." LighthouseTrails