Saturday, December 30, 2017

On the Streets of Babylon: Electroneum Visions?

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,... 
Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4
There seem to be some FALSE PROPHETS on the Streets of Babylon who claim God has given them visions about investing in "Electroneum"

"On 19th December, the Lord ministered to me all the way through the 4th watch concerning investing in Electroneum. I received the following very specific instructions.

The financial seed we have been blessed with has been released into the Egyptian system and watched over because it is still under our watchful eyes. It will grow and increase in stature and strength until full grown. Then it will be time to flee because pharaoh will want to destroy it because of the connection to the people of God ....
There is an appointed time for the full grown financial seed to flee the pharaoh system into the wilderness.
We must ask for the finances to be released from Egypt to us in the appointed time of asking, with our loins girded and ready to leave and flee immediately afterwards.
I also saw the people preparing to leave Egypt and the Lord shouting the title of my book, which is “Give Me Back My Wife” and then He embraced them and said, “Mine” but it contained a double meaning as in mining cryptocurrency. It was spoken like a command or decree.
God is going to give warnings in dreams when it is time to flee the Electroneum market and we need to obey instantly because it is designed to undergird the beast cashless system and to plunder and destroy those who are of Christ. The wise men continually sought direction and received answers. They were wise because they did not lean on their own understanding."
From False Prophetess/Fraud ChristineBeadsworth