Saturday, December 2, 2017

Judgment of Nineveh Chiasm

{Spiritual application to Spiritual Babylon}
thy people in the midst of thee are women:
 the gates of thy land shall be set wide open unto thine enemies:
 the fire shall devour thy bars.
Nahum 3:13

Nah 3:7-19
  A(3:7)  Where can one find any to console her? (3:7)
    B(3:8-11)    For her nobles they cast lots, and all her great men were put into chains. (3:10)
      C(3:12-13)      All your fortresses are but fig trees (3:12)
        D(3:14)        Draw water for the siege (3:14)
      C'(3:15-17)      your garrisons as many as grasshoppers (3:17)
    B'(3:18)    Alas! how your shepherds slumber, O king of Assyria, your nobles have gone to rest (3:18)
  A'(3:19)  There is no healing for your hurt (3:19)

A: Nobody.
B: Incompetence.
C: Metaphors.
D: To protect.