Thursday, December 7, 2017

IN the NEWS - In Other Words...

Because the carnal mind is enmity against God:
Romans 8:7
"Schools in two Canadian provinces will not be allowing students to participate in Operation Christmas Child due to the organization’s stance on LGBT issues.

Operation Christmas Child is run by the Christian ministry Samaritan’s Purse. As a Christian organization, Samaritan’s Purse holds to biblical beliefs on homosexuality, which the school district trustees believe is incompatible with their school’s policies.
According to CBC News, school district trustees voted on Nov. 25 to end the school districts’ participation in Operation Christmas Child.
Students and teachers will now no longer have the opportunity to fill shoeboxes with Christmas gifts to send to children in need around the world."
--IN OTHER WORDS the schools views are INCOMPATIBLE with God.......So these snobbish Leftists are going to not allow children to help other children....because somebody doesn't share the views of elite Leftists in the school system??? HOW ARROGANT--WHAT DOES SENDING GIFTS TO CHILDREN HAVE TO DO WITH SOMEONE'S VIEWS ON LGBT NONSENSE?