Tuesday, December 19, 2017

IN the NEWS - Hindu Violence Escalating

"Two pastors who were attacked and beaten by Hindu extremists right before the beginning of a three-day Gospel meeting in India's Chhattisgarh state were forced to apologize because their conference and the words of Jesus caused snowflake radicals to be offended.

A local pastor told Morning Star News, a nonprofit news agency that reports on Christian persecution, that pastors Vijay Jogi and Santosh Rao were coerced by police into signing an apology letter to a mob of Hindus who prevented them from holding their Gospel meeting that was to be attended by over 1,000 people at Railway Grounds in Charoda.
Rao explained that once the police were on the Hindu mob's side, there was "very little hope for Christians in a situation like this."
While Jogi and Rao were in the police station, they were "forced to sign a letter handwritten by the activists under the supervision of BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) worker Rajguru Ghosale."

Most recently, it was reported that seven pastors in Northern India were arrested and could face up to
three years in prison after they were accused of forcible conversion. The arrests occurred after the pastors were called to a home in Uttar Pradesh to pray for a recent Christian convert and her husband. However, family members were upset by the couple's conversion and complained about a forced conversion to police, which eventually led to the seven pastors' arrests.

Through the past year, a number of Christians have been arrested in Madhya Pradesh state while transporting children to Christian schools after Hindu extremists accused the Christians of forcibly converting Hindu children.

Morning Star News also reported on six Christians in India's Jharkhand state who were jailed for over a month for praying for a sick Hindu woman." CP

....and when they had called the apostles, and beaten them, they commanded that they should not speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go.
Acts 5:40