Friday, December 1, 2017

How Man Makes his own Deity

Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God,
neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations,
and their foolish heart was darkened.
Romans 1:21

"In a nutshell, atheistic naturalism posits that random processes over unimaginable time have brought into existence the human race. Mankind now is the epitome of self-determining matter, and as such is the only salvation that the planet can depend on for survival. There is no God. There is no afterlife. Man’s highest goal for himself is survival as long as possible—and to enjoy his existence to its fullest while it lasts.

Whereas Western thought has moved toward either theism or atheism, much of the non-Western world remains steeped in
animism or a mixture of new and old pagan philosophies. Ancient cultures exchanged the worship of God (Jehovah) for the worship of nature (cf. Romans 1). Various aspects of the natural world—sun, moon, stars, wind, water, earth, etc.—were personified and became objects of worship because of the supposed supernatural forces they displayed. Buddhism and Hinduism mixed pagan animism with humans or human-like creatures to symbolize man’s relation to the supernatural.

Man’s physical and spiritual ascent to deity through these religions became the central theme. New Age philosophies have essentially modernized old pagan beliefs with sophisticated packaging and Madison Avenue promotional campaigns.
The result is the same: Nature becomes a god (or gods) as determined by mankind. Thus, mankind becomes the architect of deity." H3