Friday, December 8, 2017

Creation Moment 12/8/2017 - Creation Narrative Exegesis Summary

  1. critical explanation or interpretation of a text, especially of scripture.

"Verses 1:1 – 2:3: This description of God creating heaven and earth is understood to be:
(1) recent, i.e., thousands not millions of years ago;
(2) ex nihilo, i.e., out of nothing; and
(3) special, i.e., in 6 consecutive 24 hour periods called “days” and further distinguished as such by this phrase, “the evening and the morning.”

 In the beginning”: While God exists eternally (Psalm 90:2); this marked the beginning of the
universe in time and space.
God”: Elohim is a general term for deity and a name for the True God, ...Moses made no attempt to defend the existence of God, which is assumed...
Created”: This word is used here of God’s creative activity alone, ...Context demands in no uncertain terms that this was a creation without preexisting material (as does other Scripture: Isa. 40:28; 45:8, 12, 18; 48:13; Jer. 10:16; Acts 17:24).
The heavens and the earth”: All of God’s creation is incorporated into this summary statement which includes all 6, consecutive days of creation." DiscoverBooksOfBible