Friday, December 22, 2017

Creation Moment 12/22/2017 - Wiki Bias

"When it comes to intelligent design, Wikipedia and its axe-grinding editors are ridiculously biased and unfair. And guess what? Even Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger agrees. He wrote as much last week on the Talk page for the Wiki article on ID, under the heading, “My $0.02 on the issue of bias”:
As the originator of and the first person to elaborate Wikipedia’s neutrality policy, and as an agnostic who believes intelligent design to be completely wrong, I just have to say that this article is appallingly biased. It simply cannot be defended as neutral.  I’m not here to argue the point, as I completely despair of persuading Wikipedians of the error of their ways. I’m just officially registering my protest. —Larry Sanger (talk) 05:30, 8 December 2017 (UTC)
A philosophy PhD, Dr. Sanger worked with Jimmy Wales to found Wikipedia in 2001. He is a self-described “zealot for neutrality,” and reasonably concludes that Wikipedia’s content on intelligent design is anything but neutral. This is the man who came up with the name “Wikipedia.” He further introduces himself on his Talk page:
I’m no longer associated with Wikipedia, which I co-founded. (I named it, crafted much of the policy that now guides the project, and led the project for its first year. As Jimmy Wales declared on March 25, 2002, a week before I resigned, I was “the final arbiter of what the consensus is” on Wikipedia.)
A thoughtful reader discovered Sanger’s candid comment after he (the reader) sought to edit the entry on ID. He says he corrected the absurdly biased opening sentence, only to find his edits almost instantly reversed, “within one minute.” The first sentence of the entry reads:
Intelligent design (ID) is a religious argument for the existence of God, presented by its proponents as “an evidence-based scientific theory about life’s origins”, though it has been found to be pseudoscience.
This matters for an obvious reason: countless people curious about ID receive their introduction to the subject via a Web search that starts, thanks to Google, with a visit to the Wikipedia article. Many will stop right there. Many science reporters and others in the media — heck, many professional scientists — seem to have informed themselves on the topic by going no further than Wikipedia."
 A faithful witness will not lie: but a false witness will utter lies.
Proverbs 14:5