Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Creation Moment 12/13/2017 - Not 99%

So God created man in his own image,....
Genesis 1:3

"ICR geneticist Dr. Jeffrey Tomkins often staples the first page of his peer-reviewed technical publications to the hallway wall opposite his office. The wall is almost covered now, and human-chimp DNA sequence comparisons headline his many finds. He uses high-performance computer systems to see how closely human and chimp sequences match one another. In keeping with little-known results from some secular reports, Dr. Tomkins’ data confirmed an overall sequence similarity of no more than about 85%.

Secular scientists need a DNA similarity of close to 99% for known mutation rates to seem theoretically capable of generating enough new information to transition a chimp-like genome into a human genome. So, Dr. Tomkins’ results falsify the evolutionary meme that asserts a nearly 99% genetic identity between humans and chimpanzees. Refuting that number also refutes the evolutionary doctrine it was intended to bolster—that humans and chimps somehow share a common ancestor that supposedly lived from three to six million years ago.

How does this 85% similarity relate to the gospel? It means a 15% difference between human and chimp DNA. When you consider that these genomes have over three billion DNA bases, we’re looking at 450,000,000 information bits that unintelligent forces of nature would have had to expertly encode over only a few million years. Creation thus remains the only scientifically defensible origins option to explain so much information packed in human DNA. You and I came from Adam and Eve, not from any animal. Therefore, we all inherited Adam’s sin nature. We need a sinless man—the last Adam—to pay our sin penalty." H3