Saturday, December 9, 2017

Creation Moment 12/10/2017 - UGC4703 may Indicate What?

...He made the stars also. Genesis 1:16

"The Large and Small Magellanic clouds (LMC and SMC), ... bright ...satellite galaxies around the Milky Way, have proven unusual in the universe: satellite pairs of LMCSMC mass are neither
common in observation nor  typically produced in numerical simulations of galaxy formation and evolution.
Since the probability of having such an interacting pair of satellites in a massive halo is so low, this raises questions about how our system came about.
*Did the Magellanic clouds form independently around the Milky Way and then interact?
*Were they more recently captured as an already-merging pair of dwarf galaxies?
*Or is there some other explanation?
If we could find other systems that look like the LMCSMC–Milky-Way system, we might be able to learn more about pairs of dwarf galaxies and how they interact near the halos of large galaxies like the Milky Way. Conveniently, two researchers from Yonsei University in South Korea, Sanjaya Paudel and Chandreyee Sengupta, have now identified exactly such a system." Sky&Telescope

* RESPONSE 1: I'm gonna have to go with the 3rd option- "some other explanation"...that being God.

"Hunting for merging dwarf galaxies in various environments, Paudel and Sengupta found UGC
4703, an interacting pair of dwarf galaxies that are located near the isolated spiral galaxy NGC 2718. This pair of satellites around the massive spiral bear a striking resemblance to the LMCSMC system around the Milky-Way.
Paudel and Sengupta find that NGC 2718 and the Milky Way have similar stellar masses, and the stellar mass ratio of the UGC 4703 interacting pair is around 5:1, similar to the mass ratio of the LMC to the SMC. The separation of the UGC 4703 pair is also roughly the same as that of the LMC and SMC: ~70,000 light-years." Sky&Telescope

* RESPONSE 2: Obviously the LMC-SMC serve a purpose we don't yet understand. Also, since they have only been discovered in our galaxy, until now (with the discovery of UGC4703) this should indicate something....that being this galaxy is the only one WE know of to have life. So then does UGC4703 indicate that galaxy NGC2718 might also contain a planet with life? One of those planets that the 24 Elders may be of?.....hmmmm...possible but we will never know unless we are numbered among the saints and have access to the mysteries of space.