Sunday, December 17, 2017

Chiasm of Jericho

Now Jericho was straitly shut up because of the children of Israel:
 none went out, and none came in.
Joshua 6:1

Josh 6:1-21
  A(6:1)  "Jericho had shut and barricaded its gates" (6:1)
""the entire people must utter a mighty war cry" (6:5)"   
""March round the city" (6:7)"   
        D(6:10-11)        "Do not raise a war cry" (6:10)
""they marched round the city seven times" (6:15)"   
""Raise the war cry" (6:16)"   
  A'(6:20-21)  "they raised a tremendous shout. The wall collapsed" (6:20)

A: To keep out / invasion.
B: Raise the war cry.
C: To march round the city.
D: Do not raise a war cry.