Wednesday, November 15, 2017

SDA News - Adventism draws crowd in Pakistan

"Adventists leaders and members have initiated a large-scale, sustainable evangelistic effort in
Pakistan. The event culminated in a 3-day evangelistic series that took place from October 26-28. This marks a change for the predominantly Muslim country. In the past Adventist members in Pakistan have only been able to share carefully, on a limited scale.
 The event, held at Pakistan Adventist Seminary & College (PASC) located 60 kilometers, or 37 miles, west of the capital city of Lahore, was the largest of its kind in recent years and yielded remarkable results.
The crowd continued to grow until it swelled to an estimated total of more than 2000 people. “We were expecting 800 to 1000 people to attend these meetings. More than 1000 people alone were praying for these meetings in Korea,” said Iffikhar Saroya, communication director of the Pakistan Union.  According to Saroya, they saw their prayers answered as more and more people filled the meeting area." ANN 
And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,..
Revelation 14:6