Wednesday, November 22, 2017

First Attempt at Thanksgiving Holiday

November 13, 1775

The Boston Gazette and Country Journal published a proclamation for a public thanksgiving from the Massachusetts Council-Chamber in Watertown:

Altho' in Consequence of the unnatural, cruel and barbarous Measures, adopted and pursued by the British Administration . . . . We have thought fit . . . to appoint THURSDAY the Twenty-third Day of November . . . to be observed as a Day of public THANKSGIVING, throughout the Colony; . . . . That such a Band of Union, founded upon the best Principles, unites the American Colonies; That our Rights and Priviledges . . . are so far preserved to us, notwithstanding all the Attempts of our barbarous Enemies to deprive us of them. And to offer up humble and fervent Prayers to Almighty GOD, for the whole British Empire; especially for the UNITED AMERICAN COLONIES . . . .
 Offer unto God thanksgiving;
Psalm 50:14