Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Creation Moment 11/23/2017 - Manson's Darwin Connection

Ye are of your father the devil,
and the lusts of your father ye will do.
He was a murderer from the beginning,...
John 8:44

 "....“Manson family” shocked the world in 1969 with some of the bloodiest, cruelist, most senseless murders known up to that time. How many who have followed the case, though, realize that the motivations for his murderous rampage included the teachings of Nietzsche, a fervent disciple of Darwin?

Like Nietzsche, Manson was an ardent racist who hated blacks. In the days of the 1960s race riots, he sought to foment an apocalyptic race war which he called “Helter Skelter” (the words his ‘family’
agents wrote on the walls with their victims’ blood, based on a Beatles song of that name). Dr. Bergman tells in chapter 8 how Manson hoped to precipitate the race war by blaming the murders on the Black Panthers, so that society would be in an uproar and subjugate the blacks. And why did he imbibe these racist views? According to prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi, Manson believed in Darwin’s writings (“it is a matter of evolution”) and in Nietzsche’s tenets that “women are inferior to men, the white race is superior to all other races; it is not wrong to kill if the end is right.” Manson felt that the black race was not as evolved as the white race; he believed they do “not have the mental capacity to govern properly,” one biographer said. Manson also admired Hitler.

Bergman includes in the same chapter the story of Anders Breivik, another Darwin-motivated mass murderer. Breivik randomly shot 77 young people dead in Norway in 2011. Unlike Manson, Breivik was well-educated, handsome, strong and held a job with good customer relations. Intelligent and literate, Breivik clearly outlined his Darwinian motivations in writing. Bergman says,
His goal was to bring attention to his belief that modern Darwinian eugenics could create a utopia and eliminate many of the major problems of the world. His 78,000 word manifesto details his motivations and goals for his terrorist attack on his own people. (p. 150)
The Columbine school shooters were also influenced by Darwin. One of them wore a shirt with the words “Natural Selection” as he shot students in cold blood." CEH