Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Creation Moment 11/21/2017 - Let There Be Light: Creation & Spiritual ReCreation

"Before we become a Christian our lives are spent in spiritual darkness. The moment that we accept Jesus into our life God separates us from the darkness we have been living in. We are now in the
light. Once we lived in spiritual darkness, but now we are living in the light. The night is over and a new day has begun. Like the earth, our lives started in darkness, but praise be to God that He provided Light. If you are a Christian, Jesus is the light of your life.

There is an aspect of God that I would like you to notice, and that is that God is light. In the Gospel of John 9:5, Jesus said that He is the light of the world. 1 John 1:5 says “And this is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.”
It is only natural that on the first day of creation, God would create light for the earth. Light is a physical representation of who and what God is. Light is Pure, Holy, and all revealing. Nothing can be hidden in God's light, and nothing can be hidden from God's light." SPW