Sunday, November 12, 2017

Creation Moment 11/13/2017 - Not a "Salvation" Issue?

Many in the Church who rebel against the opening pages of God's Word like to claim that Creation is not a "salvation" issue....But is it? ... Let's ponder the subject for a moment...

1) No one on the other side of the Mark of the Beast who is among those who follow the Lamb withersoever the Lamb goes, will be arguing with God over His Word--that includes Genesis 1&2. No one among that group at that time will be declaring that Genesis 1&2 contradict or that they are allegory. SO WHY DECLARE SUCH NONSENSE ON THIS SIDE OF THE MARK OF THE BEAST WHILE GIVING LIP SERVICE TO GOD?

2) If the Mark of the Beast is a counterfeit Sabbath (which it is) why would you resist it if you don't take Creation week literal? There would have been no real "Sabbath" day to begin with so it would be easy to justify in one's head to wonder after the beast at that time.

3) Using Higher Criticism to interpret (and reject) Genesis 1 leads almost ALWAYS to the path of rejecting other parts of Scripture of this God these people claim to believe in. This invariably leads to other problem--heresy, apostasy and a lessening of the seriousness of sin. Just look at the slope MOST of these people have trodden down after rejecting Creation...

For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft,...
1 Samuel 15:23