Monday, November 20, 2017

"A Little Longer" -- Beautiful Writing by E.G.W.

"The Bible is the garden of God.

Are you discouraged?
Are you bereaved?
The word of God tells you not to sorrow as those who have no hope, for there will be a relinking of the family chain.

When we look upon our dead,
-we think of the morning when the trump of God shall sound,
-and when the dead shall be raised incorruptible,
-and we shall be changed.

Over the rent sepulcher of Joseph, Christ proclaimed, "I am the resurrection and the life."
*A little longer, and we shall see the King in his beauty.
*A little longer, and he shall wipe away all tears from our eyes.
*A little longer, and we shall have a robe of purity, whiter than any fuller on earth could whiten it. It is the garment woven in the loom of heaven, not to cover over our sins, for Jesus takes away the sin of the world, but to clothe us in the righteousness of Christ.

I want to behold him until I shall be changed into his likeness; for by beholding we become changed."
Signs Of The Times 1894 E.G.W./John 11:25