Thursday, October 12, 2017

SDA Issues - Cultural Marxism Creeps into Adventism

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Romans 12:2

Is Cultural Marxism now being fostered within Adventism?

I. Definition of Cultural Marxism
II. Exhibit A: Andrews
III. Exhibit B: Women's Ordination
(this worldview has NO place within Christendom, including Adventism)
"Juxtaposed to the racial unity cemented in the Gospel is the intentional friction between races popularized in Cultural Marxism that was founded in the twentieth century. Beginning in 1919, Cultural Marxism came into thought when the classical Marxist scheme did not work in Western Civilization in the post
WWI era, as predicted by classical Marxists.

Two Marxist philosophers, Antonio Gramsci in Italy and Georg Lukacs in Hungary, theorized that Marxism didn’t take root in the West because “Western culture and Christianity” had buffeted the philosophy, along with the mortal enemy of Marxism – upward economic mobility.

Cultural – rather than economic – Marxism became the strategy to cause class division in America. This was intentionally created by members of what is called “the Frankfurt School” (which included Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, Wilhelm Reich, Eric Fromm and Herbert Marcuse) argued that culture was not a part of Marx’s original idea regarding society’s “superstructure,” and was an important variable in the over-all Marxist experiment. They argued that the working class would not revolt against the “bourgeoisie” in places where the poor could become rich. So then, the Frankfurt School intellectual leader, Herbert Marcuse, argued that Marxist ideology should enlist a cultural contingent; chiefly a coalition of blacks, students, feminists and homosexuals.

You might know “Cultural Marxism” by another name – multiculturalism. The notion is simple: Instead of viewing humanity as one race with a blending melting pot of individual cultures, this philosophy views an unblended (and largely incompatible) “mosaic” of individual and competing cultures or races. The result is simple…racial division and disharmony." Pulpit&Pen

(does anyone REALLY believe that Andrews has been discriminating?)
"Alumnus Michael Nixon, the recently-named vice president for diversity and inclusion at
Andrews University, talks about the genesis of his job, his experience as a black student in the Andrews community, and how he hopes to make Andrews a more inclusive place.

What is your primary job?
Things will start to take more shape as time goes on, but one of the main things I am doing right now is helping to restructure and empower Andrews University’s Diversity Council....

Andrews University president Andrea Luxton promised to create this role at the university last spring, after a campaign from students calling on Andrews to “apologize for the systemic racism it has perpetuated on its campus...

Walter Douglas who co-founded the Council back in 2003-2004. It was a part of his overall vision for a Multi-Cultural Institute on AU campus....). I think that it is important to define words
like "racism," whether interpersonal, systemic or institutional. I would describe systemic racism as policies and practices entrenched in established institutions which result in the exclusion or promotion of designated groups. Systemic racism does not require individual intent or prejudice to occur...."Systemic racism" is not about individual intent or personal bigotry.  It is about inequalities rooted in the system-wide operation of a society that excludes substantial numbers of members of particular groups from significant participation in major social institutions....Dr. Carole Woolford-Hunt has created and has begun to implement a Diversity & Inclusion training program that has been rolled out over the past couple of years and will help students, faculty, staff, and administrators become better equipped to not only operate better in a diverse setting but also gain the tools to cultivate those settings...I think that all of our campuses could benefit from emphasizing diversity, equity, and inclusion." Spectrum

(one has to have a HARD HEART to call for this against a Biblical position)
"An Adventist version of civil disobedience might now be the only way to challenge the convergence of three distinct groups who oppose the ordination of women.....Openly violating the decision which was made at the General Conference session at San Antonio in 2015 and respectfully accepting the punishment for doing so in hopes of eventually achieving positive change might now be the only honorable alternative...." Spectrum