Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Patriarchs & Prophets: Audio & Pull Quotes- Chapter 25

 The Exodus


And a mixed multitude went up also with them. In this multitude were not only those who were
actuated by faith in the God of Israel, but also a far greater number who desired only to escape from the plagues, or who followed in the wake of the moving multitudes merely from excitement and curiosity. This class were ever a hindrance and a snare to Israel.
 In leading them by the way of the Red Sea, the Lord revealed Himself as a God of compassion as well as of judgment.
By day the cloud directed their journeying's or spread as a canopy above the host. It served as a protection from the burning heat, and by its coolness and moisture afforded grateful refreshment in the parched, thirsty desert. By night it became a pillar of fire, illuminating their encampment.
The path where God leads the way may lie through the desert or the sea, but it is a safe path.
In freeing our souls from the bondage of sin, God has wrought for us a deliverance greater than that of the Hebrews at the Red Sea.
The clouds poured out water; the skies sent out a sound: Thine arrows also went abroad. The voice of Thy thunder was in the whirlwind; the lightning lightened the world: the earth trembled and shook....I will sing unto Jehovah, for He hath triumphed gloriously;
The horse and his rider hath He thrown into the sea.
The Lord is my strength and my song,
And He is become my salvation:

Psalm 77:17,18/Exodus 15:1,2