Friday, October 20, 2017

Patriarchs & Prophets: Audio & Pull Quotes- Chapter 20

Joseph in Egypt


One day's experience had been the turning point in Joseph's life.
 His master's wife endeavored to entice the young man to transgress the law of God. Heretofore he
had remained untainted by the corruption teeming in that heathen land; but this temptation, so sudden, so strong, so seductive--how should it be met? Joseph knew well what would be the consequence of resistance. On the one hand were concealment, favor, and rewards; on the other, disgrace, imprisonment, perhaps death. His whole future life depended upon the decision of the moment. Would principle triumph? Would Joseph still be true to God? With inexpressible anxiety, angels looked upon the scene.
If we were to cherish an habitual impression that God sees and hears all that we do and say and keeps a faithful record of our words and actions, and that we must meet it all, we would fear to sin.
There are few who realize the influence of the little things of life upon the development of character.
The fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding. Job 28:28