Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Patriarchs & Prophets: Audio & Pull Quotes- Chapter 17

Jacobs Flight and Exile  


The Lord compassionately revealed just what Jacob needed--a Savior.
 Christian should often review his past life and recall with gratitude the precious deliverances that
God has wrought for him...
The Lord knew the evil influences that would surround Jacob, and the perils to which he would be exposed. In mercy He opened up the future before the repentant fugitive, that he might understand the divine purpose with reference to himself, and be prepared to resist the temptations that would surely come to him when alone amid idolaters and scheming men.
In the vision the plan of redemption was presented to Jacob, not fully, but in such parts as were essential to him at that time.
 The mystic ladder revealed to him in his dream was the same to which Christ referred in His conversation with Nathanael. Said He, Ye shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man. John 1:51