Sunday, October 8, 2017

Papal Notes - Francis on Catalonia

Q: WHY does Pope Francis care to speak out on the issue in Spain? What's it to him if people in
Catalonia get independence? There's NO reason for him, in his position, to state an official position....
Also, when he says “manifested the rejection by the Church to every attitude that is not rooted in respect to the constituted legality.” ...isn't that HYPOCRITICAL? Doesn't he encourage ILLEGAL immigration into Europe by Islam & into America from it's southern border? Doesn't he run around bashing leaders who want to uphold the rule of law as it relates to ILLEGAL immigration? So since when did Francis start caring about "constituted legality"?

"Pope Francis is against the secession of the Spanish region known as Catalonia that is threatening
to declare its independence next week. This claim comes from the Spanish ambassador to the Vatican, who had a private meeting with the pontiff on October 2.

Ambassador Gerardo Bugallo, who was recently appointed to the position, was having his first official meeting with Francis, a day after a controversial independence referendum in Catalonia.
Before it took place, the national government and the federal courts declared the voting illegal, claiming it violated the constitution, and have since refused to acknowledge it.
According to the weekly Catholic magazine Vida Nueva, the pope spoke to Bugallo about the “Holy See’s position against every self-determination process that is not justified by a process of decolonization.”

The piece was signed by Antonio Pelayo, the magazine’s correspondent in Rome, and ecclesial councilor of the embassy. He also wrote that the popemanifested the rejection by the Church to every attitude that is not rooted in respect to the constituted legality.” CRUX
......whose look was more stout than his fellows.
Daniel 7:20